Adult set menu | from 13,00€ to 15,50€ |
Child menu | 7,00€ |
Payment method
Debit cards - Holiday vouchers - 'Tickets restaurants' vouchers
Ty Grean
Located halfway between Pleyber-Christ and Plounéour-Ménez, in the Arrée Mountains, the Ty Grean restaurant offers a menu of substantial meals that favour local, organic, seasonal produce. In the hearty atmosphere of an Irish pub, the owner invites you to taste some of the craft beers. Irish Evenings are organised on the first Sunday of the month, as well live music one Friday a month. The restaurant is open every weekday lunchtime, plus Friday and Sunday evenings, with a ‘Pub Menu’ special at the weekend.
Facilities : Wifi
Practical information
Ty Grean, 29410 Plounéour-Ménez
Phone : 02 98 78 90 03
Phone : 02 98 78 90 03
Menu week-end: de 10€ à 13€
Ouvert toute l'année.
Fermé le samedi toute la journée et le dimanche midi.
Horaires de services :
12h-13h30 en semaine
19h- 21h week-end
Adult set menu | from 13,00€ to 15,50€ |
Child menu | 7,00€ |
Payment method
Debit cards - Holiday vouchers - 'Tickets restaurants' vouchers